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2024-25: NEW CONTENT


|| Main Home (2022) || Preamble || Secret Revealed || Cause for Hope || Origin || Portal || HOME-1 || Become A Game-Changer To Usher In Big Positive Change || Your Dharma || Zoom on Sunday || Become Changemaker || 2022-23 Forecast || Middle-Class Maladies || Soul-Searcher || Expose on India's Selfish, Shameless, Well-settled, Status-Quoist Middle-Class || India on Cliff Edge || Citizen Quiz || COVID Survey || Know Thyself |VIDEOS ||


Game-Changers || Changemakers || Middle-Class Maladies || Mindless Marionettes || Get Richer and Stronger || 10 "I"s that are hurdles for middle-class people || How Middle Class Subvert The Spirit Within || Middle-Class Primer (Q&A) || Thought Experiment: Lovely Island || Filth in the Middle-Class Mind || Compromises that middle-class people make || Musings about Middle-Class in 2022 || Soul-Searcher || Guess Whose Mindset Is This || Features That Characterize The Middle Class || Dilemma of India's Middle-Class People || Essay/expose on India's Middle-Income People (MIPs) || Appeal to People to think and do BIG  || Features that define India's Middle Class People || MIddle-Class, Marriage and Mediocrity || India's future beyond 2024 || How to reform our "democracy" || Why some people move away from or avoid NRI-Natter ||

LIGHTBOXES (Pop-up Windows)

|| Wake up, act now! || Why NRIs || Time to Act || Mission of NRI-Natter || Magic of NRI-Natter || Embrace Citizenship 2.0 || Stop doing this || Start doing this || Crisis as opportunity || Don't outsource responsibility || Overcome self-limiting factors | Activate intellect and evolve || Initiate long journey || Cost of indifference || Join us NOW || New vision || Clarion call || Expectation || Avoid || Largest democracy? || Millennials smarter? |Lamb and Butcher || Do or die || Lovely Island || Real Villains |Duplicity of Shifty Middle-Class People || New Citizenship for 21st Century || Busy-busy Routines Can, and Will, Kill || Mixed Up Priorities || Dharma-Dos || Mindless Middle-Class || Thoughtless Morons || Bonus Kit for Changemakers || Good Hands, Bad Hands || Our promise: your true and total empowerment || Secret Revealed: The Real Enemy || Cause for Tremendous Hope || Panacea || Unity || || || Know the Enemy to 'See' the Future TODAY! || Rapes, murders and lessons of August 2024 ||

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